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Your Portfolio Presentation


How to Make a Portfolio for College

The portfolios you may be asked to put together as a student in elementary school, middle school or high school will be quite different from any portfolio you're required

Should You Photocopy Work?

When it comes time to put your pieces into your portfolio, you may be wondering whether or not you should photocopy your assignments and examples from projects, or if you should use the originals. This is really up to your teacher to decide, and if they don't have an opinion on it, then you can make the choice for yourself. If you're planning to use the portfolio for more than just your grade, then you should consider using some originals. If you do use photocopies, make sure that the quality of the copies are just as good as the originals, and keep the originals somewhere safe in case you ever need them.

What to Include in Your Portfolio

Though most teachers should give guidelines about what to include in your portfolio, students in high school may merely be given suggestions of what to add, whereas younger students may be given much more support. Both high school students and elementary school students will generally have the same objective when it comes to their portfolio and the pieces they decide to include. Students can also take a look at student portfolio samples of high school students or elementary students to get a

Student Portfolio Ideas

If your teacher is giving you some creative flexibility with your portfolio, then there are many student portfolio ideas out there that you can use for inspiration. While a first grader, a fifth grader and a high schooler may all have different ideas and abilities when it comes to making a portfolio, there's no reason you can't have fun with it as long as your teacher says it's okay.

Why Portfolios Are Important

The reason that portfolios are such an important part of the student's course requirements is because they're used as an assessment tool for both teachers, students and their peers. By looking at the portfolio, teachers are able to get an overall look at how the student performed and grew over the semester or year. They can determine whether or not the student has met the specific standards set by the curriculum.

How to Make a Portfolio for a School Project

If you're required to make a portfolio for a school project, then it's likely that your teacher will give you some guidelines. They may tell you what needs to be included in your portfolio, as well as the deadline for your portfolio.

How to Make a Portfolio for School

Of the many projects students are assigned by their teachers, one of the most extensive is a portfolio. A portfolio can be created for a variety of different reasons. Sometimes, they're to demonstrate your experience in one area, and other times, they're to highlight your work for an entire semester or year of school. A portfolio is

Types of Learners in a Classroom

Every classroom has a diverse group of students with a variety of learning styles. It's easy to see the various quirks and peculiarities that students manifest during the learning process with obstacles to overcome and learning difficulties to grapple with. However, being aware of the various learning styles and seeing their strengths will greatly enhance the learning process.

Brain Health

Keeping your brain healthy involves habits that keep the rest of you healthy. Learn about exercises, diets, and games that'll keep your thinking sharp.

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